You probably have heard the expression, “Get your game face on!” This week, we urge you to do just that. The way you carry yourself tells the story of countenance and your sales.
The term countenance is often associated biblically with divinity. However, the term, by definition, refers to a person’s face or facial expressions. It’s how you carry yourself in situations. You may try NOT to wear your emotions on your sleeve. But if you’re not confident in your presentation, your client will be able to tell by the expression on your face.
Countenance By Default
Your expressions often mirror what you feel. If you’re frustrated with technology not working, a furrowed brow will give you away. A blank stare in response to a client’s question may complicate your close. In a meeting, there will be things that come up that you may be unsure of. Rather than responding by default, prepare yourself with a response that keeps you in the game.
Countenance By Design
You are choreographing your sales routine. The goal is to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Show confidence in the ability to provide clarity. Even when you don’t have all the answers. Be intentional with your presentation. Find what gives you confidence and use it to design your presentation.
Watch the video for THREE tips from Span the Chasm President Steve Keck! Coach your countenance to close your way to sustainable sales success!
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