Commitment Consistency

Commitment Consistency ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

The longer you say no to something, the more ingrained it becomes in your personality. By definition, this is commitment consistency. As salespeople, we need to watch out for this. It can negatively impact our team and sales.

Commitment Consistency and Your Behaviors

“I can’t be successful at cold calling.” Sound familiar? You’ve convinced yourself that you can’t. And you reinforce this with behavior. You commit to consistently avoiding the processes that lead you toward success.


So is there a light at the end of this tunnel? Or have you talked yourself into failure? The keyword here is consistency. You consistently reinforce false beliefs. This means there is hope for you because at least you can do consistency.

Flip the Script

Identifying the false beliefs you or your team believes is the first step to getting back on course. Once you have found the distractors, flip the script. Convince yourself you can. “I can be successful at cold calling.”

Reach out to your sales team. Ask for help identifying the false beliefs and the distracting behavior that is keeping you from succeeding. Or reach out to us. We’ll help you talk yourself back into closing and into sustainable sales success.


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