Choices in Sales - Choosing the Right Company ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Choices in Sales – Choosing the Right Company

We’re talking about the choices in sales. We discussed the importance of being able to connect with the right boss. Equally important is choosing the right company. Because when you choose the right company, you BOTH succeed.

Choosing the Right Company

Unfortunately, there’s not an easy equation on how to find the right company. Add the dynamic of the boss into the situation, and things become even more complicated. You may find the right boss at the wrong company. Or the wrong boss at the right company.

Factors to Consider

Check out the video. Steve discusses the complexity of finding the right leader in the right environment. He provides some critical factors for you to consider to make sure your next move is the RIGHT one.

And if you are still struggling with the transition from one sales role to the next, reach out to us. It’s what we do!


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