If you build them, they’ll help sell. We’ve talked about finding these sales cheerleaders. They’re indirectly involved but hold the clout to help your decisionmaker choose you. Now that we know how to find the right people, we need to build them up. So today we’re focusing on Building Champions: Educate.
Educate with Roleplay
Yeah. This may scare your champion. That’s where you diffuse the situation and help them understand why. How do they plan to help prime your prospect? Once you start this dialog, you can reinforce some of the key points YOU would like them to reiterate on your behalf. In turn, these conversations will be the ones they make with your decisionmaker.
Educate with Crafted Emails
Now, roleplaying is all well and good. However, they may be Zoomed out. Or the opportunity for conversations just may not present itself. Your champion may rely on email or text to reach out. The key points from roleplaying now can become the basis of emails. Carefully crafted and in the language of your decisionmaker, these emails expand on your capabilities. And they’re an easy reference for your champion to fall back on in the dialogue.
Educate with Conversation Positioning
Cue the segue. Literally, flags you provide your champion with to help them jump from talking about the weather to talking about your solution. Okay, perhaps not quite that extreme. But these tips help fold in a sidebar on why your solution is great and why your service is essential. And these are points they can use outside of the contextual sales process.
In the words of Jerry McGuire, help them help you. The more you invest in the right person, the closer you’ll be to your close… and to sustainable sales success. And if you need help, reach out. It’s what we do!
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