Being Intentional with Gratitude

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Being Intentional with Gratitude

One of the great things about Intentional Leadership is that it doesn’t require you to have any authority. So, regardless of where you are in the hierarchy within your organization, you can be intentional in your leadership at any time.

Another essential aspect of intentional leadership is gratitude. Sure, the season we’re in embodies the expression of our thanks. And this applies to both your colleagues and clients. The key to this is the EXPRESSION. It’s an action. Certainly, telling someone that you are grateful for their abilities, their assistance, their energy, their friendship is wonderful. But take an extra step, such as making time during a meeting. Recognizing their contributions to the success of your organization in the team setting further emphasizes their talents and YOUR appreciation.

Check out the video! See how Steve ties this all together and helps you get started TODAY by being more intentional with GRATITUDE in your leadership!

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