Character for Sales Success – Approaching Challenges in Sales

Approaching Challenges in Sales~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

A challenge is a character-developing opportunity. And we’re talking about approaching challenges as a sales leader. It’s the next installment of our conversation on building the character for sales success.

Perspective on Challenges

When approaching challenges in sales, we tend to view them with a negative lens. However, Steve argues that challenges are the mud within which the seeds of your character begin to grow. And these seeds grow and mature with every challenge you encounter.

Watch the video on how Steve suggests approaching challenges in sales. While there are no shortcuts, he offers tips on how to look at challenges and, more importantly, develop character through facing these challenges. And if you are struggling or need help getting your team through some difficult challenges, reach out to us. We’d love the opportunity to help your team use challenges to develop the character they need for sales success!


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