A Level of Effort Analysis ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

A Level of Effort Analysis

Will YOU hit your year-end goals? Hopefully, you are well on your way. But now is about the right time to make sure you do. And the best way to see if you are on the right path is a level of effort analysis.

A Level of Effort Analysis

This is simply a review of your sales efforts. Take the deals you have closed to date this year. How much action did it take to get you to this point? How much time did a deal take from introduction to close? Taking those into consideration, review your current pipeline. You may find that you need to make some changes

Steve guides you through the analysis in our video this week. See what it will take you to have sustainable sales success through the end of this year and how to set yourself on the course for success in 2024. And as always, if you need a little extra help, reach out to us. We’d love to help with your level of effort analysis!


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