A Deep Dive into Mutual Mind

Deep Dive into Mutual Mind ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training Message Discipline

Are you curious about the science behind successful sales? This week, Steve takes a deep dive into the mutual mind.

Deep Dive into Mutual Mind

This phenomenon is the concept of thinking with someone, instead of thinking about something with them. This is all created by the part of your brain called the right cingulate cortex, which works on the fast track. In contrast, the slow track is your conscious mind. The mutual mind helps you connect with the person you’re communicating with. You sync with their fast track and understand their pacing of decisions and comfort with change.

Steve emphasizes the importance of recognizing this phenomenon in your own life. Becoming aware of the physical cues that happen within yourself and those around you. By doing so, you can make sure you’re on the same page and stay in line with where the conversation is going.

As a salesperson, recognizing the mutual mind phenomenon can make you more agile and effective in closing deals and building relationships. It can also help you become a better leader by developing cohesive teams.

If you’re interested in learning more about the mutual mind and how to build cohesive teams, reach out to us. Join us in this fascinating conversation on the brain science of sales. Discover how you can become a better salesperson, relationship developer, and leader!


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