2023 Mid-Year Sales Process Review ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

2023 Mid-Year Sales Process Review

It’s Women’s World Cup time! And it’s time for mid-year sales process reviews. What do both have in common? Both need to meet a LOT of goals. To make sure you do, Steve urges you and your team to do a 2023 Mid-Year Sales Process Review.

2023 Mid-Year Sales Process Review

Three things will give you a fundamental sense of whether or not your sales process will score the goals you need. Evaluating is simple. Correcting the course to get your team back on target is a little more complicated.

Check out the video. Need help evaluating? Or maybe you need an assist with pivoting your sales process toward the right goal. Reach out to Steve and his team at Span the Chasm.


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